Monday, 12 May 2014

Bad Neighbours

Bad Neighbours

A little joke to warm up the review:

‘Whenever I feel sad in the gym I do chin ups’

When my friend asked me to watch bad neighbours I thought he meant ‘home and away’.

This movie is about a war between neighbours and is clearly based on the recent conflict between Russia and Ukraine. This is a bit too obvious because everyone remembers when Vladimir Putin sat on an airbag and was exploded off of his horse.

In the movie, a fraternity steal the air bags from Mac (Seth Rogan) and Kelly’s (Rose Byrne) car and place them like a whoopee cushion on Mac’s office chair, so that when he sits down it activates and throws his body in the air. Mac was clearly angry, he hit the roof.

Mac then sets the fraternity up and causes them to be on probation much to Zac Effrons dismay as his goal is to throw wild parties and have his photo on the wall of legends. I’d have thought he’d be happy that Rogan framed him.  

I give this movie 5 Marks(immons) out of 10.

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  1. Actually I was thinking of watching this, but now you gave it a 5 I'm thinking it might be a 'bust'. I was tempted to watch it, but I also thought it might be series of staged 'physical' gags/scenarios;which your review suggests it is. (Like the chin up gag by the way hehe).

  2. I don't know why the site posted my comment twice, embarrassing really; it's like I'm repeating it because you're not listening... you are listening right?

  3. Oh now that's even more embarrassing because this web page only has my first comment posted once, which means the comment above looks like I'm being weird... sigh... I hate technology... oh yeah how do you know robots can't read and type 'Turing' codes eh? I watched this documentary with Will Smith about some robots or something and they were pretty clever robots.
